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What to do against stretch marks – 5 Tips

During pregnancy, the body undergoes massive changes. Not only is the stomach growing, but also the breasts as they prepare for future breastfeeding, the ligaments around the pelvis are softer and thus a little wider – also a preparation for the birth. All of these changes can leave their mark, as your skin adapts to the growth of abdomen and co. Stretch marks can be the result. But does this have to be the case? What is the cause of these markings on the skin and what can you do about them?

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Meditation in Pregnancy – 5 Questions for Katrin Michel

Katrin, as a mother of two, a biologist, a meditation leader, a HypnoBirthing instructor and a yoga teacher for pregnant women, you specialize in meditation during pregnancy. You have released CDs with meditations specifically for pregnancy and after birth with your own label kamija, and you recently published the book “Becoming a Mom, Being a Mom – The Meditation Book for a mindful Pregnancy, Birth and initial Time with Baby”. What we want to talk about in this interview, is what led you to doing all these things and what advice would you like to give pregnant women.

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How you can prepare for a C – Section files

A Cesarean section, Sectio Caesarea in medical terms, or C-section for short, was once thought to be an emergency measure for life-threatening situations during childbirth, of both mother and baby. A C-section carried out at the request of the mother, basically did not exist thirty years ago. At that time, the risk of surgery was estimated to be even higher than that of a normal birth. At the beginning of the nineties, C-sections accounted for about 15% of births in Germany. The average today is between 17% and 50%. In Europe, the average is 37%, with Sweden and Finland being the exception with an average rate of 16%.

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A Concierge for Pregnancy  – 5 Questions for Maternita

Dear Ulrike, you gave birth to the idea of Maternita, your pregnancy concierge service, and your first daughter almost simultaneously. Meanwhile, your co-founder, Inga Sarrazin and you have accumulated an entire team for your company and your third baby is already on the way. We would like to know what you ladies do and how you manage to build and develop your own business as mothers.

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